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 Convert MTS to AVI- Combine/Join MTS and AVI files into AVI video

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Convert MTS to AVI- Combine/Join MTS and AVI files into AVI video  Empty
PostSubyek: Convert MTS to AVI- Combine/Join MTS and AVI files into AVI video    Convert MTS to AVI- Combine/Join MTS and AVI files into AVI video  EmptyTue Jul 10, 2012 4:33 pm

Source From: Brorsoft

We often get or download some files in various formats like MTS, AVI, WMV, MKV, etc. But these files in different format often make us bored, because we can't combine these files into one single directly.

I need a program to put AVI and MTS video together and create an AVI final product. I need something very simple and user friendly. I don't need any special features at all. What is the simplest video editing program out there that can accomplish this? Thanks in advance for your help!

The above user want to join AVI and MTS files together and get a final AVI video. How to make it? In fact it is easy for us. We only need to convert MTS to AVI and merge AVI files with a top Video Converter. I successfully have used Brorsoft Video Converter, the best MTS to AVI Converter. Which can easily and quickly reformat or convert MTS to AVI and join several MTS/AVI files into one. The most important is that you can choose any output format as you want.

Guide: How to Convert/merge MTS and AVI files with best video quality.

Step 1: Launch the easy-to-use MTS to AVI Video Converter and then add your MTS, AVI files into the program.

Step 2: Check the “Merge into one” box in the interface of this Video Joiner to join mts and avi into one file.

Step 3: Click “Format” icon, and select out format from the Common video profile. There are three options of AVI format: DivX AVI – Audio Video Interlaced(DivX)(*.avi), Xvid AVI – Audio Video Interlaced(Xvid)(*.avi) and AVI MSMPEG4-V3(*.avi). Please choose the proper one that you need.

Step 4: Click the “Converter” button, it will start to merge/convert AVI and MTS files to one file in AVI.

When the conversion process shows in 100%, click the Completed icon and then get the output AVI video from the output folder. Later, you can make full use of the resulted video for great enjoyment.

Related guides:

How to convert M2TS to iPad 2

Convert HD MTS files to DVD

Convert MTS/M2TS to Xvid AVI for Galaxy Tab 10.1

Merge and Convert MTS to MP4 for Asus Eee Pad Transformer
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Convert MTS to AVI- Combine/Join MTS and AVI files into AVI video
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